Teeth Bonding involves composite resin applied directly to the tooth surface to replace a broken edge, improve the shape of a tooth, to cover discolourations, to improve tooth proportions or to even redesign your entire smile.

Teeth Bonding Birmingham

These treatments are minimally invasive and conservative to tooth tissue. They can often be accomplished in a single visit, with no numbing, offering significant financial savings over porcelain veneers. They can cover just the unsightly area, or the whole tooth. They last for 5-7 years and require maintenance in the form of regular scaling, re-polishing and minor repairs.

Not sure what would be suitable for you? Book a free virtual or in person consultation today.


Only after a consultation, will we be able to answer this question.

Bonding will look its best for 5-7 years. We recommend maintenance every year in the shape of hygiene appointments, and polishing.

We will discuss this at your consultation, as you are part of the process.

This can depend on the natural colour of your teeth, and whether you have had teeth whitening or not. We can show you a possible shade.

It is a very conservative procedure, and often does not even require numbing up. Patients find it a very comfortable procedure.

Bonding appointments are usually an hour plus.

You can eat and drink after the procedure. It will not stain with coloured foodstuffs. Good oral hygiene is recommended.

Most of the time bonding is a great way to close any gaps. We can also do a demonstration on your teeth to show you what this would look like.

Bonding starts from £180 per tooth.

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